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January 25, 2010

Submissions and an Unconventional Hero

I have now submitted the rewritten book #2! My sexy prince and his convenient bride are in Richmond awaiting their verdict, which had me thinking about what my next submission might be…

So, yes, this is really a question for my editor since the buck stops with her, but I’m curious: How do you feel about an unconventional hero?

Oh, he wouldn’t be unconventional for some of Harlequin’s imprints, but for Presents he’s a bit on the ‘different’ side. Presents has done rancher’s, but generally they’ve been of the South American persuasion. My hero, Domenico, has a ranch in Texas. He’s from Mexico and he ran away from a very bad home situation at a young age and made it into the United States, where he worked his way up from ranch hand, to celebrated professional bronc rider, to billionaire cattle rancher and stock supplier for the pro rodeo circuit.

He has to put on that sophisticated, CEO suit every now and then, to deal with the business side of things, but he’s just as much at home doing physical labor on his ranch. He’s unquestionably alpha, and my heroine, Acacia, certainly likes him! And, of course, he’s super hot. ๐Ÿ™‚

(my model is the very nice looking Mark Consuelos)

So what do you think? Does he have Presents appeal??


11 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. I reckon he has presents appeal, he sounds hot!

  2. I’m with Sally. Definitely lots of Presents appeal going on there! And hey, Anne Mcallister had a fabulously sexy surfer so why not? I’m all for unconventional personally. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Oooh I’m with Sally and Jackie – he sounds DREAMY!

  4. Oooh! You guys are making me so happy! I love Dom. He was a fun hero to write, so, I’m hoping I might be able to convince my editor that Presents neeeeeds a cowboy!!

  5. mmm, yes he definately sounds like a hero i would read!

  6. A Presents cowboy, huh? Depends how big his hat is! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. The only thing bigger than his hat, is his bank account.

  8. Oh yay! Seriously hot ๐Ÿ™‚

    The first cowboy I ever fell in love with was filthy rich — Bobby Ewing from Dallas. Hmm, now I’m remembering you are so much younger than me and prob don’t know who he is ๐Ÿ™

    But your cowboy? LOVE the idea.

  9. I won’t divulge birth dates for fear of having spiky shoes thrown at me…but I DO know Bobby Ewing…as the dad from Setp By Step… ๐Ÿ˜€ JK. I know Dallas. I’ve just never seen it. Actually, I think the whole ‘who shot JR’ thing may have occurred in my birth year. Sticks in my mind for some reason *ducks and runs*

    Oh! But so glad you like my cowboy! I love him. He’s quite delicious, and I’ve had the privilege of previewing some of his special skills, and let me tell you, skilled he is!

  10. He definitely appeals to me!

  11. Yay! I think he’s super hot, so this makes me very happy. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I love his story. He’s so very damaged and I just LOVE that in a hero.

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