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January 22, 2010

Livin’ The Glam Life (Presents Style!)

Okay, so maybe it’s not exactly Presents Style around here, but it is an extremely happy and chaotic place to be. Of course the kids keep me on the move most of the time, and with dear Haven’s help, I manage to get some writing in now and again!

So, you all know I’ve been working on revisions, which became a complete rewrite because my heroine’s character especially changes a bit during the rewrite of the partial. I just finished up with that last night, after receiving my editor’s approval on the changes I’d made to the partial. (Big time yay on that!)

In the middle of that, I’ve been working on little tiny tweaks for His Virgin Acquisition. They sent me a PDF and told me now was the time to make small changes. For smoother sentence structure, dealing with word repetition, etc. I’m trying to obsess too much and change too many words. 😉

And of course, I’ve been dressing Alani in girly clothes. Lots of girly clothes. Because that’s what you do when your first two children were boys! (And I swear to you, I bought these cute little purple jammies when I found out I was pregnant this time, and if she had been a boy you can BET he would have worn those at least once.)

So yes, life is busy. But honestly, this is the best kind of busy in the world. I hope to be this busy for a very, very long time.


10 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Utterly gorgeous picture – thanks for posting. You have a beautiful family.

  2. Beautiful kids, Maisey. Alani is SUCH a little princess! 🙂

    Yay to rewrites! Once that character changes, it’s all on eh?

  3. Yep, I second Suzanne. Beautiful children.

    You totally amaze me, I couldn’t even string a sentence together for weeks when I brought my baby home and I didn’t even have to give birth to her!! You’re an inspiration 🙂

  4. OMG Maisey, Alani is just BEAUTIFUL! You’re boys are beauties too of course, but she’s just so tiny and perfect in the middle there isn’t she?
    lol at you with the purple jammies – I have one cute pink vest that hasn’t been necessary as of yet in our house as they both turned out boys, but I can’t seem to put it in the charity bag. It’s my secret longing for a little girl to dress in girly clothes coming out again!
    And I meant to say this earlier, thank you for the kreativ blog nomination – I was beyond happy!

  5. Yes, I’m partial to my gorgeous children. The boys are certainly heartthrobs in the making, and Alani will be heartbreaker…if her daddy ever allows her to go on a date.

    Joanne P…Hey…my third was a girl. Worked out for me. 🙂

    Joanne C, I just take it all as a big blessing. So many wonderful things happened at once! And I think I might have a bit of a constant adrenaline surge keeping me going. 🙂

  6. What gorgeous kids you have, Maisey. I don’t know how you manage to write with a young family – puts me to shame really, LOL.

  7. Really and truly, without my wonderful husband it wouldn’t happen. He’s more than willing to look at a sink full of dishes (and then do them if need be!) cook his own dinner, bathe and change children, whatever he has to do to help. And I only have to nag a little bit. LOL.

  8. Wow Maisey, you’re handling it all so well. I was lucky a got a shower in when my kids were that little let alone revisions.LOL.

    Glad you get to let your inner princess out with Alani.

  9. Beautiful pic Maisey. How tiny she looks between her brothers. Re your revisions – What a huge acheivement considering you have a newborn – go you!

  10. It’s great to work when the babies are little, isn’t it? Pregnancy turned my brain to mush, but as soon as each one was out, I was raring to go again! Wrote a 100,000 word novel in the six weeks after my twin boys were born, working during the night with the baby listener on. (Um, didn’t ever get that one pubbed though, lol!) Of course, I was lucky to have my husband at home that summer to look after them in the daytime while I snoozed. But it feels brilliant to manage both, doesn’t it?

    These piccies are making me broody. Argh! I’ll have to get a new husband if I want more though – made him get the snip after number 5 was born, lol!

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