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October 7, 2011

Head Asplosion

I want so much to write a witty, pithy, helpful blog today. But my brain is stuck. My head asploded a few days back and as I work to scrape the goo off the ceiling and back into my noggin’, witty seems harder than it should. You have mah apologies.

For the past few weeks we’ve been wrestling with school problems for the oldest. Long story short, I am not Martha Stewart. I can’t make doilies and my housekeeping skillz are teh suck. But if you need me to put on a pair of leopard heels and be alpha woman to get my son’s needs taken care of? That I can do. We all have our strengths.

So after many-a early morning meeting and high heel strutting…we came to the conclusion that that the school COULD NOT do what needed to be done. So we changed schools. (this wouldn’t be working without lots of help from my mom who happens to work at the new school and is helping in my oldest son’s class until he settles in)

So this is all AWESOME and I’m happy about it, but currently I’m feeling a little like the egg in this picture. Not cute. (there was also a small matter of identity theft…but we won’t even go into that.)

BUT (and there is a happy but. A very happy one.) I found that all this extra stressy type stuff made me VERY VERY grateful for my normal. I look forward to days when I can JUST be with my kids and husband and not have to go down and busta verbal cap on someone for the treatment of my son.

In a recession, I have work. Not just work, but work I absolutely love to do. How many people can say that? I love my job. I love my family. That is a GOOD PLACE TO BE IN.

It’s busy in my life. To the point of crazy really. But what is better than being occupied by worthwhile things? Nothing I tell you! 🙂

And sometimes life does feel evil. It feels like a mean little chimpanzee sitting in its cage waiting to fling poo at you. (that happened to me once. It’s not fun.)

to that I say, here’s to family! Here’s to romancelandia. And, hey life, I’m a writer…I can just go write myself some happy feelings. I don’t need you to bring me any. *flexes muscles* Because in my world, I’m in charge.

*haz writer power trip* *feels dizzy*

Oh, how much I have VALUED that ability over the past few weeks. To escape to a world where I. Am. In. Charge. Oh, and also, my office is in the yard…outside the house. And it’s all quiet. And now that it’s rainy it’s all warm and I pained it ORANGE and it’s like my little den. **hehehehehehehe**

It’s my chance to decompress. So I can come out fighting again. *puts on helmet* *and muk luks*

That’s one thing I love about having dual roles. Being The Mommy and The Wifey and the High Heel Wearing Mama Bear Warrior gives me a chance to leave my writer hat hanging on the peg for a while. And when the other stuff gets WHOACRAZYCRAZY I can go hole up and put my writer hat back on for a bit.

There’s not really a point to this post. Sooo…I leave you with a haiku:

Sometimes life is hard

Remember, hard is not bad

Hard is like Hugh’s abs

Now you leave me a haiku in the comments. And don’t let your head asplode.


11 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. From one mummy to another – go mummy bear! 🙂

    Hope life gets easier for you.

  2. It’s good to offload
    Let it all out, scream and shout
    Then you feel better

    I suck at Haikus! {{{hugs Maisey}}} Hope it all works out with the new school. 🙂

  3. I love haiku!

    Streaming Quantum Leap
    In love with Netflix, also
    Scott Bakula’s arms 😉

    I know all about being a mommy bear! Good luck to your little one.

  4. Doris, RAWR!!!

    Thanks, Alexandra! I love your Haiku!

    Jill *slow claps* FABULOUS!!!

  5. Thanks for reminder.
    New, teacher, car towed, change plans.
    Grateful for it all.

  6. Maisey, you are great.
    Writer, mama, all of it.
    I admire you so!

    Worst haiku EVER. But heartfelt 🙂

  7. Julia, Love it!

    Kate…AWWWW. 🙂 I know you’ve had your share of head asploding moments lately…I feel the same about you!

  8. Good for you and kiddo, Maisey.

    Well done…

  9. Your kids are lucky
    Sending cyber hugs your way
    You rock leopard heels

    And just so you know, there was a point to your post. We all have bad times and sometimes all we need is to be able to spew it all out, without judgement and without expectation that someone will fix it – just that someone is listening. I know you have a rock solid support system in your family but you also have many willing ears and shoulders out here in blogland so if you need to go: blurchhhh well we’re here to hold your hair out of the way and hand you a face cloth.

  10. Love your eggs!

    But just think…a broken egg can be scraped up and made into lots of lovely food…like cakes….and more cakes…

    Sending hugs your way too. Caroline x

  11. The moon on water
    Is the glow of the iPad
    Give your hero love

    Yes, I know. I am the haiku master. Remember when all the world knows the name Jackie Ashenden, you read it here first. 😉

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