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August 8, 2011

In Which I Talk About the Coffee Magnate and Self-Editing

So, the Coffee Magnate has been sent to my editor for a thorough pummeling…I mean read through. After which I’m sure THERE WILL BE BLOOD!! *Cough* I mean, thoughtful revisions.

I think I learn something new with every MS (because I have LOTS to learn!) and I think I learned a lot on this one, even pre-revisions. First off, I think I actually hit a level of competent self-editing. Not level Grand Sparkalay Amazeballs or anything, but, y’know, I had SOME sense of self-editing.

That’s been a struggle for me in general, because I tend to get very lost in the MS as I write it, and I start losing perspective. I know most everyone does to a certain degree but I feel like after writing the MS and giving it a couple of reads I end up like DID I EVEN WRITE THIS IN ENGLISH!!!??? Then I hit send filled with WOE and BLAH because I have on clue if I even Wrote A Book or if I Wrote Something That Would Be More At Home on the Back of a Cereal Box.

The whole writing of this MS was different in some ways. First off, I basically chucked the characters into bed from the get go. It was the wrong thing to do, and it’s what led to the self edits. So I did this thing where I threw them into a physical relationship too early and as I went along, I started really seeing that.

This MS was a friends to lovers story, which I’d never done before, and it presented some unique challenges. The getting-to-know-you wasn’t present. So it was bringing a close relationship into a different kind of close relationship and that made the structure all sorts of different too.

Which is why I rush on the bedroom scene. Partly. The other part being general impatience on my end. 😛 But I realized I needed to SHOW a bit more of the relationship that I knew they had in order for the step Into The Bedroom to mean something to the readers.

Cue me going back and adding scenes. Then I continued on with the book and realized I needed more before they kissed for the first time. *goes back and fixes*

And on and on it went with this MS. I was writing these really dramatic scenes that I essentially hadn’t laid the foundation for. So that meant dashing back to the beginning and building it Real The Heck Quick so that it didn’t fall over.

Normally I write beginning to end without leaving scenes out, and really, I didn’t leave scenes out on purpose, but this was still a different process for me. I really enjoyed it in the end though, because I felt like I hit these really key emotional scenes, and I was then able to go back and write TO them and make sure I had the proper set up.

We’ll see if this process actually worked out, but I had fun with it, and I think it was one of those valuable growing/learning experiences.

Oh, and now I get to start dreaming about my new hero…Russian bodyguard anyone?


6 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. I’ve said this before and I have to say it again – thanks for your honesty with your writing process. Someone like me who would like to be someone like you someday really appreciates it!

    p.s. So happy that eHarl has the Sept books up to order. Guess what I’m gonna get?

  2. Marcie, Aw. *sniff* Just…aw! Sharing is therapy for me, and it helps me make sense of what I’ve learned to write it down. I’m just happy it’s helpful for anyone to read my rambling!

    And weee!! I hope you like Gage and Lily!

  3. Russian bodyguard?

    Yes, please. I’ll email you my address.

    Congrats on sending Coffee Magnate! Your lovely editor could shock the pants of you and not want any revisions.

  4. I’m sure I’ll love Gage and Lily. I haven’t been disappointed yet so I don’t expect to.

  5. Lacey, he’s a bit bulky and the packing peanuts keep getting stuck to his…never mind. But he’s a bit tricky to pack. I’ll keep trying.

    Marcie, 😀

  6. LOL!!!!

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