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January 25, 2011

I Can Haz Cookies?

The End. Typed it last night, and tonight I did a final pass through and tightened up some scenes, added some words, tweaked some sketchy motivation and in just a little bit I will be passing The Vengeful Rogue on to my editor!

I’m nervous, but I’ve come to realize this is par for the course. There was only one MS I wasn’t nail-bitingly scared to send in, and that was because I’d had a personal trauma that day that made anything writing related seem silly to worry about. And since I don’t WANT trauma all the time to help me get my priorities straight, I’ll keep the angst, thankssomuch.

Now, not even in my wildest fantasies do I think this is perfect. Well, okay, in my *wildest* fantasies it’s perfect. And I have a pony and there’s a FULL ON double rainbow. All the way across the sky*.

In my deepest, darkest nightmares it’s the book that ruins my career and I end up living in a cardboard box begging for editorial feedback.

Neither scenario is likely, however, and that’s fifty percent reassuring. (I really would like that double rainbow)

Sad to report, submitting is pretty much always scary. It’s easier on this end of things on the one hand, because I have the assurance of editorial feedback. Which is also sort of a frightening thing, because sometimes that feedback isn’t the best thing for one’s ego, but it is something one needs to hear.

So while I get ready to send, and get ready for another revision letter, I’m gonna share some quick truths I’ve learned about submission and revision.

1. It’s always better in the end. That’s been my honest to goodness experience, that no matter how much I *hearted* the original version of a MS, no matter how much I resisted the changes, it was better for the revision/rewrite, and not only would I never go back to an original version, I’ve never even been tempted to go back and reread one.

2. Worrying doesn’t make your editor read faster. (neither does eating lots of cookies)

3. At some point you have to let go and write. This is a big one. I read my revision letters a few times, I think it over, I let it settle. I make notes. At some point, I stop looking at the revision letter. Because I can’t keep turning it over, I can’t keep referring back to it every other page. I also can’t stack every revision letter on top of the other and worry about everything I’ve done wrong EVER.

Now, I learn from each revision letter, so I’m not saying I discount them. I’m just saying, I can’t second guess everything I do or the book will NEVER get done. Not only that, I think the insecurity translates onto the page.

4. Go big. I approached my rewrite of His Virgin Acquisition with this in mind: More seduction, more emotion, more glamour. And if I go over the top, great, but I’d rather they know I can go too far, than wonder if I can go far enough.

For the record, they’ve never told me I’ve gone too OTT. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that’s what I’ve learned. And in the meantime, I’ll try to practice what I preach and NOT angst TOO much and begin work on Presents #8.

Got anything you’ve learned ready to share?

*so intense


15 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Maisey, I think you have a future in cartooning! Seriously–you clearly have a lot of creativity. I cannot draw stick figures. I think you’re right on with what you’ve learned from revision letters. I agree with you 100%. I write pretty quickly (although not nearly as quickly as you!!) and tend to get pretty big revisions. I’ve learned that’s how I work and I’m no longer trying to go for the no-revision acceptance, although I still like to dream…

  2. Well, I had a cookie jar full of blondies, but I think my kids may have beat you to it. ๐Ÿ™

    I don’t know if I’m reassured or terrified that it never gets easier as you go along.

  3. Kate, Thank you! would you believe, five years ago I would have believed that WAY before I believed I had a future in writing romance! I used to draw cartoons on napkins for people. I did a ‘graphic novel’ on napkins at the coffee house I worked at where everyone was in The Matrix. ๐Ÿ˜€

    And I think we share a process. Get it done, get it out…then fix it. I’m not a very good plotter and I think I have to get the story on paper before I can start to get to the heart of the emotions. But yeah…double rainbows and flying ponies….why not, right?

    Julia, it gets easier, it’s just that the nerves never go away entirely. That’s good though in some ways. I think it means you care, and we really should care!

  4. Oh, Maisy, I do care. And you’re right. If I don’t care enough to be nervous, I should do something else.

  5. And you shouldn’t be nervous because the VR is – as we say in Kiwi land – O for awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I should also be taking note of number 3 because second guessing everything I write it what I do ALL THE FREAKING TIME! I am learning though.
    Oh and double rainbow! Woah!

  6. Julia, it’s part of the biz. But I woudn’t have it any other way.

    Jackie…*dies* O for awesome!? thank you thank you…and YES. You need number three!

  7. I agree with every point. The revisions always make the ms better. Always.

    Hey, I just turned in my latest MS last week. Can I haz cookies too?


  8. Yay, Aimee! *gives cookies* Is this number two?

  9. I just love your drawings Maisey! Another great post ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. So glad you do, Lacey! My school therapist used to say they were a ‘cry for attention’ whatever…(totally joking…the school therapist refused to see me) Glad you liked it!

  11. Hi Maisey,

    Even if you have a future as a cartoonist, I’d still prefer you to write the hot, hot stories for us!
    There’s lot of inspiration in your quick truth..thanks for sharing!

  12. LOL! thanks, Nas, I promise I’ll always write my hot stories. I love it so much. and the drawings are fun…but they’re low on torture. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Yes, number two. *talks with mouth full o’ cookies* LOVE the drawings, BTW.

  14. Maisey, thank you for sharing Chris’ mouse! lol I cracked up laughing when I saw him (w/o her candy bar). I’m in my first EVAH revisions on a full ms- from HQ Medicals (ie. Flo)! Am I loving it? Yes- because I haz revisions! No- because they are HUGE revisions. Rewrite kind of revisions. ๐Ÿ™ Thank you for the tips.


    • Yeah, Calisa, the mouse came to hang with me cuz Chris was sooo mean to him.

      *passes cookie* hooooraaaay for revisions! I know it’s tough to face a rewrite, but you can do it! It’s hard work, but it’s all a part of the job, no more or less than writing the book the first time. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not that every book is a rewrite, but revisions are certainly common and kind of a part of the whole deal.

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