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February 15, 2010

The Insider’s Guide to the Insider’s Guide of Writing For M&B Article

It’s 5am and I’m up, due to one part crying newborn, one part deathly awful sore throat, and one part excitement, as I’ve just read the article that came out in The Guardian, which I interviewed for last week!

So, while I wait for babies to settle and pain meds to kick in (wah! It’s a really BAD sore throat!!) I thought I’d chat about the article a little bit.

(First of all, please know my eyes fell out of my head a little bit when I saw that the other two authors interviewed were Penny Jordan and Sharon Kendrick!)

I did my interview (my first ever!) on the phone at 7am, being disadvantaged time zone wise out here on the left coast of the USA and I was SO nervous! I have a tendency to chatter when nervous/excited/awake, and I imagined I talked the very wonderful journalist’s ear off with each and every question she asked. Thankfully, she condensed me to sound bites, which is something I wish I could do to me in real life. 🙂

This is the part of being a writer I actually didn’t think a lot about! Interviews! The Guardian!! Good gravy!!! So it turns out I thought it was lots of fun! Apart from cringing at a few of my quotes, it really was! Because writing is my passion, writing Presents is my passion and getting to talk about it is a really great thing. Which just compounds my overwhelming feeling of being blessed, because I am fortunate enough to do what I love and get in the newspaper for it. (insert more of these !!!!!)

So go! Read the article! Enjoy! Any questions of your own?? Ask away and I just might answer!



5 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Wah, my comment went walkabout. Anyway great article! Welcome to the publicity train. 🙂

  2. Oh no! Tell your comment to come back!! And thank you! It was lots of fun.

  3. Loved the article. So cool you featured with Sharon Kendrick and Penny Jordan!

    I am also one of those unfortunates that talks when they are excited, nervous, awake! My sisters often tell me when it’s time for me to be quiet.

  4. Go you. I have too extremes – blabbermouth or the other, mumblemouth both equally attractive.

  5. Hehe…go the blabbermouths! We need to get together and gab gab gab!!

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