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December 19, 2010

Borrowing Trouble

I was thinking about this today though, not really because of my own deep thoughts, but because it was the topic in church this morning. How we as people tend to cling to the bad things, legitimate bad things, such as health and family issues, which, let’s face it, is only natural. But then there are the bad things that haven’t happened yet, or won’t happen at all.

My pastor and his wife are adopting a little girl from Uganda, and their headed there in January. In order to prepare to go, they had to get roughly a million immunizations to prepare for the trip. He was saying how the worst part of getting a shot is the fifteen minutes before hand, or maybe right when they brush your arm with the cotton. But the actual shot is never as bad as all that anticipation.

Well, it struck home to me since I have been a nervous, cookie-eating wreck this week, as you all may remember. And then, after turning in The Frenchman, what did I do? Worry more. And eat more.

She’ll hate it. It’s horrible. It’s awful. Waaaaah!

Well, she emailed me Friday, and she’s halfway done and she said, “STOP EATING COOKIES!” (she didn’t say that, but she did say she liked what she’d read so far. The word Fabulous may have been used.) Point being, I was literally broken out in hives over…nothing. And even if it were something…what’s the point? No matter the outcome, I’ll have caused myself more grief by worrying, even if the outcome is bad. Same as building up a tiny little shot into a huge, fat deal.

What will be will be. Que sera sera and all that. It’s human nature though, I think, to focus on the bad, or even create it when it isn’t there. I know I do.

It’s funny (here comes another song reference) I was getting ready to send the Frenchman on Wednesday and as I was obsessing, praying, trying to figure out what more I could or couldn’t do to the book, the song Let It Be by the Beatles popped into my head. Why not? 🙂 So I let it be, and I hit send.

Not to say I didn’t obsess again immediately after. But there are so many good things in life, in MY life, and yet sometimes I insist on clinging to bad things, made up or real, rather than seeing and rejoicing in the good. Or just letting it be.

That’s my encouraging word to all of you, and to me. 🙂 Let’s try not to allow extra worry make things more traumatic than they need to be. There is simply too much good in life. It’s a shame to waste time focusing on the bad. Especially the bad that may never happen!

Counting my blessings now, and trying to let go of my worries. 🙂

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!


6 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Do you know (and I have yet to try this) if you cough right before getting an injection you tend not to feel it because your brain is still distracted with the sensations of the cough in your body. I’m usually too busy trying to relax the damn arm…

  2. Thanks for the very timely encouragement. Once again your post hits on just what I’m worrying about.

    There’s going to be some difficult things ahead for our extended family next year. How difficult was underscored last night. They’re not the sort of things that I can prevent or really do much to help with. Indulging in a lot of hand wringing is a waste of energy. Worse, it spoils the joy of a season when I should be focusing on how very much I have to be greatful for.

  3. LOL! Lacey, that scares me! Wouldn’t it make you tense? Anyway, injections aren’t my problem. 🙂

    Julia, so glad it was timely for you. I thought it might be what someone needed to hear, and if not, it’s just helpful to me to write my thoughts down. Family stuff is REALLY hard. For me, with my middle son, who is displaying characteristics consistent with children on the Autism Spectrum, I truly have to go one day at a time, and not try to project what will be.

  4. Maisey {{hugs}} for you and your son. The idea that your child has any troubles that you as parents can’t fix is awfully hard to accept. My girls are a lot older than your kids. I have had a lot of practice. It’s still hard.

    I have a family member who has cancer and it’s clearly spread, but she’s dodges all the questions about what’s going on. It’s a bit cruel, but I can’t resent her just trying to get through it the best she can. I mean, she’s an adult, and, if avoiding gets her through the day, good for her.

  5. Thanks, Julia. Yes, being a parent is tough business!

    Sorry for your relative. I think some people have a hard time talking about things like that because it makes it more real.

    I’ll be praying for you and your family.

  6. Thank you, Maisey.

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