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April 28, 2011

Maisey Yates Meets the World’s Most Terrifying Manuscript Again or…Beast Sheikh News

Or…why you have to embrace the fear.

You remember I was talking about how much this MS skerred me. Because I was trying something that felt like a major gamble, at least in my mind.

I was afraid my editor was going to read the MS and say…send us a hero who’s not so freaking messed up!! But I wanted to try it, even though it made me shake in my boots.

So imagine my shock when I got my revisions back on Tuesday and the main focus of the revisions is the hero. Just like I thought. But not on pulling him back, or making him less dark and damaged. She wants me to key in on those things and take them deeper.

Cue pleasant surprise from me. There is nothing better than a revision letter asking you to go farther with your vision! Nothing. I am beyond excited to tackle these with a stamp of approval from my editor. So excited to make Beast Sheikh even more beastly, and to go deeper into why he’s become the man that he is.

This is why I need to stop trying to predict what my editor will say. Really. It’s a waste of time and it’s a stresser. And I’m never right.

This is also why embracing the fear and taking a chance is a good thing. One of the best compliments she paid me during our phone conversation yesterday was that the first scene that reveals the extent of the heroes issues shocked her. In a good way! (it shocked me too, tbh, but he was a strong hero who did what he wanted!!)

And this is the example of a positive pay-off for taking a chance. I’ve experienced the negative for doing it too. But I think in the end, it’s always rewarding to know that you tried something that challenged you, that stretched you as a writer.

So go one…embrace the fear!


11 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Now I want to read the first scene too and I think you should let me because… well, it’s your fault really, isn’t it?

    *sigh* I’m going to have to learn how to hack into things, aren’t I? I REALLY think I’m might be too lazy to repeatedly bash my head against someone’s firewall…

  2. I’m a Mac baby! You’ll never get in here…bwahahaha!! 😉 Though you’re intent is flattering.

  3. Yaya so glad that you get to keep your damaged hero! Can’t wait to read him.

  4. Oops just saw my previous mistake. That , ladies and gents, is why you should never leave the computer mid-comment. Or maybe I’d been drinking… You’ll never know!

    I should get a Mac because people try to hack me all the time. Big bullies! =( = ( =( Do you feel sorry for me? Reading your MS would make it all better…

  5. I’d go with drinking, as it sounds like more fun. 🙂 I get interrupted by kids mid comment/mid blog post ALL the time. I’m surprised ANYTHING I write makes sense…

  6. Good luck with the revisions. Am so with you on trying to double guess what the eds might say – am always surprised when the bits I think might be a bit dodge are ok, and vice versa!

  7. Lucy, it’s paralyzing! You second third and fourth guess and it can really hold things up. And then it’s never what you think. 😉

  8. Ohhh can’t wait to read your story – esp. the hero – he sounds a baaaad boy! Caroline x

  9. So what’s the girl like who gets to go up against this beast and win his heart?

  10. Caroline, he is, but so very wounded…

    Marcie, she takes no prisoners and no crap. Katharine is the heroine of this one, and the woman has steel for a backbone. She challenges him to be better, and it makes her better too. 🙂

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